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Trova Corsi nel Settore Alberghiero e Turistico

Humber Institute Of Technology And Advanced Learning
Culinary Management
Humber Institute Of Technology And Advanced Learning
Toronto, Canada
Humber’s Culinary Management diploma program teaches you the skills you need to excel as a chef in the culinary industry. Work in the world’s finest dining and food service establishments, and take advantage of international study opportunities. Kick your career up a notch by competing in on-campus, provincial, national and international skill competitions.
2 anni
Online / Campus
Courses Select
Introduction to Hotel Revenue Management
Courses Select
This course teaches you how to accurately forecast guest arrivals at your hotel, examine pricing models in accordance with revenue management principles, and to manage overbooking.
14 giorni
Courses Select
Overbooking Practices in Hotel Revenue Management
Courses Select
You will examine the components of a successful overbooking strategy: no-show forecasting, no-show rates, arrival uncertainty, pricing policies, and cancellation forecasts. You will consider the risks of overbooking and review strategies to minimize costs and mitigate customer impact.
14 giorni
The University of Derby Centre for Contemporary Hospitality and Tourism Management
The University of Derby Centre for Contemporary Hospitality and Tourism Management
Buxton, United Kingdom
Our pioneering BA (Hons) Event Management will help you launch a career where you can really make an impact. Develop your creativity to devise and deliver professional events that will delight and impress. You will build specialist skills in management, strategy, human resources, marketing and finance, to ensure every aspect of your events runs like clockwork. To keep pace with an industry which is evolving in new directions, we constantly refresh our teaching so that you are up to date with everything from advanced event technologies to the impact of economic changes. We work closely with leading professional bodies such as the Institute of Hospitality, the Meetings Industry Association, the Association of Event Management Education, the National Outdoor Event Association and the Association of Festival Organisers. You’ll have the opportunity to work on exciting placement and internships, so you can gain high quality practical experience, whilst receiving professional mentoring to expand your networks. We also encourage you to take full advantage of our scheme where you can spend part of your course studying abroad and view events management from a fresh perspective.
3 anni
Nel campus
Pre-Commis Chef (Italiano)
Pre-Commis Chef (Italiano)
Iscriviti GRATIS al nostro programma di formazione Pre-Commis Chef, è facile da seguire e in appena 3 mesi, o prima, potresti essere pronto per il tuo primo lavoro in una cucina professionale.
Courses Select
Marketing the Hospitality Brand Through Digital Media
Courses Select
Successful marketing and revenue generation in hospitality requires the management of an array of new media including, social, mobile, and search. While these new media enable marketers to reach customers in ways that were previously not possible, successful use must be anchored by core marketing and demand management principles.
14 giorni
Courses Select
Non-Traditional Applications of Hotel Revenue Management
Courses Select
Through your work on the course project, you will reinforce what you have learned about the refinement and extension of revenue management practices and will develop notes and recommendations for implementing and extending revenue management at the organization where you work.
14 giorni
MSc Tourism Marketing Management
With this course, you’ll develop a critical understanding of contemporary issues in marketing and the ability to question current marketing patterns and trends. In that context, attention is given to the use of IT and social media in destination management and marketing.
1 anno
Nel campus
Bournemouth University - Tourism and Hospitality Management
BA (Hons) International Hospitality Management
Bournemouth University - Tourism and Hospitality Management
Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Taught by hospitality specialists, the course has been designed to equip you with a range of skills needed to get ahead in this versatile and exciting sector.
4 anni
Nel campus
The University of Derby Centre for Contemporary Hospitality and Tourism Management
The University of Derby Centre for Contemporary Hospitality and Tourism Management
Buxton, United Kingdom
This MSc International Hospitality Management degree is ideal for industry professionals looking for career progression in international hospitality management. We focus on application, assimilation, attitude and providing answers - practices that are central to hospitality leaders. You will develop your understanding of the management of cultural diversity, the internationalisation of the industry, marketing, finance and strategy in a wide variety of contexts, including hotels, exhibitions, festivals, product launches, trade shows and sporting events.
1 anno
Nel campus
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Grado en Turismo EU
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Barcelona, Spain
Si te interesan los proyectos turísticos, hoteleros o gastronómicos y quieres recibir una formación diferenciadora, que te permita aspirar a los mejores puestos del sector con una preparación lingüística exclusiva, que te abra las puertas al mercado internacional, sin olvidar las nuevas tecnologías de internet (disfrutarás de un portátil Apple de regalo y de uso habitual en las aulas) haz tu matrícula en el Grado de Turismo de la Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani.
9 mesi
Nel campus
The University of Derby Centre for Contemporary Hospitality and Tourism Management
The University of Derby Centre for Contemporary Hospitality and Tourism Management
Buxton, United Kingdom
Course description Highly skilled hospitality managers are in demand across the world right now. Our BA (Hons) International Hospitality Management will help you seize all the opportunities on offer in this exciting and fast-moving industry. Choose to complete your degree in three years or take a placement year in industry between your second and final years Prepare for a career at the highest levels of hospitality, a sector which offers rapid career progression Draw on our links with some of the leading names in hospitality – such as Claridge’s, Marriott and Gleneagles – for placement opportunities, practical consultancy projects and networking Boost your professional credibility on a course accredited by the Institute of Hospitality Become a member of hosco, the world’s leading hospitality careers network for students and graduates January start is available for Stage 3 entry only
3 anni
Nel campus
School of Economics and Management – University of Bologna – Rimini Campus
Economia del Turismo (Bachelor level)
School of Economics and Management – University of Bologna – Rimini Campus
Rimini, Italy
Il corso di studio fornisce le competenze economico/manageriali per operare nelle imprese e organizzazioni del mercato turistico, nonché la capacità di confrontarsi con i temi etici e della sostenibilità. Il curriculum CLET in italiano inserisce le competenze manageriali ed economiche nell’ambito dello sviluppo locale e territoriale.
3 anni
Nel campus
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