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Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
CAP Chocolatier-Confiseur
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
Yssingeaux, France
Achieve a nationally recognized professional qualification in a significantly shorter timeframe than traditional CAP training This intensive, hands-on training program, taught in French, mixes practical skills in French chocolate and confectionary arts with essential business and management knowledge.
8 mesi
Nel campus


Courses Select
Event Management (Short Course)
Courses Select
A uniquely rewarding, dynamic and diverse creative industry, a career in event management can be incredibly fulfilling. On a global basis, demand for increasingly extravagant and elaborate events has led to an enormous spike in demand for qualified and experienced event planners. From minor business meetings to major music festivals, the event manager serves as the linchpin that brings the whole thing together. If you thrive on the idea of realising the impossible and watching your vision come to life right before your eyes, event management could be the perfect career for you. With this high-quality free course available from Oxford Home Study College, why not take that first important step right now?
20 ore
Courses Select
Segmentation and Price Optimization
Courses Select
Segmenting your customer base is critical to developing a variable pricing scheme. By identifying core groups of customers and their purchasing habits, you can target them accordingly by setting prices that will help you win their business over your competition. Without proper segmentation, however, dynamic pricing can backfire, which can alienate consumers and turn them into perpetual deal-seekers.
14 giorni
Courses Select
Insights from Food Experience Design
Courses Select
Transforming the food system requires more than just passion and intent. You need to move quickly from idea to plan to action—with rigor, empathy, and effectiveness. By embracing a process that calls on collaboration, negotiation, and inquiry with diverse stakeholders, you will learn to act deliberately and listen empathetically as you explore the concept of food experience design. Engaging the hallmarks of design thinking, this short-form course will help you apply these tools to your food business. You will explore innovation as a team sport, develop customer empathy, frame your challenge, build creativity and refine your ideas, and craft your pitch. Participants will learn from an expert in the field, work through a series of targeted activities, and have the opportunity to learn from and share ideas with one another, with the support of a course navigator with expertise in mentoring start-ups at all levels of engagement. Click on "Watch Video" below to hear more about the course from lead faculty, Kyleigh Wawak.
1 mese
Pre-Commis Chef (Italiano)
Pre-Commis Chef (Italiano)
Iscriviti GRATIS al nostro programma di formazione Pre-Commis Chef, è facile da seguire e in appena 3 mesi, o prima, potresti essere pronto per il tuo primo lavoro in una cucina professionale.


Courses Select
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
Courses Select
All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?
12 ore
Manager della Ristorazione
Parma, Italy
Il Corso di Manager della Ristorazione prevede l’acquisizione di competenze manageriali di alto livello nell’organizzazione e gestione delle attività di ristorazione. Il Corso di Food & Beverage Manager creato da ALMA unisce la conoscenza del prodotto, della cucina italiana e del territorio alle competenze gestionali necessarie oggi per guidare con profitto le aziende di ristorazione o per lavorare con efficacia e efficienza nel mondo dell’hôtellerie. L’obiettivo del Corso è creare futuri Manager della Ristorazione con un bagaglio completo di competenze fondamentali per la gestione di un business complesso come quello della ristorazione moderna. Dal 2021 il piano didattico prevede sia edizioni part time che full time, per andare incontro alle esigenze di chi, potendo dedicare l’intera settimana al Corso, desidera concentrare in un minor numero di mesi la propria formazione e accedere prima al mondo del lavoro.
6 mesi
Nel campus
Courses Select
Understanding and Visualizing Data
Courses Select
Important business decisions require justification, and while we often have data that can help us make those decisions, the skill with which we analyze the data can make the difference between a good and bad outcome.
14 giorni
SEG Professional
Customer Experience Design
SEG Professional
Experience Design has become as much a business art as product design and process design. Experience Design is an interdisciplinary practice that emphasizes the centrality of each guest and the guest experience in service innovation. Today’s global customer who has experienced service in culturally diverse environments is demanding personalized and memorable experiences. An innovative experience design strategy can differentiate one service provider from another and ensure differentiation and greater profit in the experience economy.
Les Roches Marbella International School of Hotel Management
Executive Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel Management
Les Roches Marbella International School of Hotel Management
Marbella, Spain
Accelerate your career without interrupting it Presented in a blended format, so you can study without leaving your job, this professional diploma enhances your business and management skills, giving you the edge to stand out from the crowd.
6 mesi
Online / Campus
Varna University of Management - VUM
Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
Varna University of Management - VUM
Varna, Bulgaria
Students acquire important theoretical knowledge in accounting, pricing, marketing, business communications, human resources management and more, studying more specialized modules such as culinary arts technology, innovation and creativity in gastronomy and culinary arts, international F&B management, special events management as well. In the course of their studies, students undertake practical internships of up to 12 months. Thanks to the extensive and sophisticated network of active international partners of VUM, students get the opportunity to work with some of the best chefs in the world, to gain valuable experience into high-classed restaurants and to work in “Michelin” starred ones. Thus, they get a real opportunity to create contacts, gain skills and experience in a real environment and lay the foundations for their future successful realization.
3 anni
Nel campus
International Culinary Studio
Sustainable Practices for Food Service Professionals
International Culinary Studio
What you will learn: Explain global sustainability concepts, issues and concerns Discuss sustainable decisions and actions that foodservice can take and reasons for these Identify some challenges to a business in implementing sustainable practices. Describe why a successful distribution model is necessary to support the infrastructure of sustainable food. Explain current sustainability issues in food production (agriculture, livestock and seafood and some solutions for food service. Explain current sustainability issues regarding water, energy and waste and potential solutions for food service.
2 mesi
HRC Culinary Academy
Professional Chef's Certificate
HRC Culinary Academy
Sofia, Bulgaria
Our Professional Chef’s Certificate program is a comprehensive 1-year culinary immersion designed to fast-track your culinary career. Created by top international chefs and educators, this modular program equips you with essential culinary skills and knowledge to excel in the professional kitchen. Expand your culinary expertise with a unique series of applied practical lab classes, covering both classic and contemporary cooking techniques. Our program prepares you to thrive in a professional culinary environment and stay abreast of the latest industry trends and global cuisines. After completing the initial semester on our campus, you’ll have the chance to immerse yourself in the art of a la carte cuisine at our teaching fine dining restaurant. Benefit from personalized guidance and mentorship from our expert instructors, further honing your culinary prowess. Our program goes beyond cooking, offering a well-rounded curriculum that encompasses business and soft skills essential for a thriving culinary career. From management and leadership to cost control, food photography and styling, nutrition and food safety, marketing, and hospitality trends, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the industry. Embark on a transformative culinary journey and emerge as a skilled and sought-after professional chef through our rigorous 1-year training program. Experience hands-on learning, gain industry exposure, and acquire the necessary skills to flourish in the culinary world.
1 anno
Nel campus
Strathmore University - School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH)
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Strathmore University - School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH)
Nairobi, Kenya
The BSc in Hospitality Management programme (BHM) exposes the students to an environment oriented to both business and hotel operations and management. The BHM curriculum is a combination of theory and practice where the students are exposed to hands-on training in food and beverage production and service and in rooms division management within the Strathmore facility and in the hotels where they will do their attachment and internship.
4 anni
Nel campus
Strathmore University - School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH)
Bachelor Of Science in Tourism Management (BTM)
Strathmore University - School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH)
Nairobi, Kenya
The Tourism Management programme equips the students with the necessary skills, knowledge and attitude needed to transform the challenges of the 21st century into business opportunities and socially responsible enterprises in the field of tours, travel and tourism.
4 anni
Nel campus
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