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Trova Corsi nel Settore Alberghiero e Turistico

Courses Select
Effective Hiring and Interviewing
Courses Select
Instead of HR professionals, front-line managers are now being asked to assess their personnel needs in the workplace and make hiring —or firing—choices that fit those needs. Many managers have not been trained on how to decide among candidates to make the best choices to fit their team. These choices are not just about creating test questions or reading resumes, but also about managing the interpersonal communication that must occur between hirer and candidate.
14 giorni
Eduant Academy of Tourism in Antalya
Hotel Management - Antalya
Eduant Academy of Tourism in Antalya
Antalya, Turkey
Internships in the best hotels on the coast of Antalya The possibility of internships and employment abroad (Canada, USA, China, Australia), as well as in Turkey The International College of Hotel Services and Tourism in Antalya is included in the list of Best Hospitality Schools in Europe– EURODIP The International College of Tourism in Antalya is a member of the Association for Education in Tourism and Hospitality (AMORHT) The International College of Tourism in Antalya is a certified center for taking the international English exam TOEFL. High-quality training In-depth study of foreign languages ​​(English, Turkish, German) International environment
2 anni
Nel campus
SMK University of Applied Sciences
Tourism and Recreation
SMK University of Applied Sciences
Klaipėda, Lithuania
SMK Tourism and Recreation study programme is more then a usual hospitality education. In addition students will obtain a valuable skills hot to create and run their own business in the industry as well as learn inexplicable management skills for hospitality and tourism industry. With the employement rate of 95% after graduation, students are practically guaranteed a successful career in the field of tourism and hospitality.
3 anni
Nel campus
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
HBA (Bachelor) Tourism Management
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Internationally oriented, this course brings together the academic study of tourism and the practical development of management skills to give you a balanced start to your career. It is an academic course with strong vocational relevance
3 mesi
Online / Campus
Pre-Commis Chef (Italiano)
Pre-Commis Chef (Italiano)
Iscriviti GRATIS al nostro programma di formazione Pre-Commis Chef, è facile da seguire e in appena 3 mesi, o prima, potresti essere pronto per il tuo primo lavoro in una cucina professionale.
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Higher Degree in Kitchen and Nutrition Management
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
The management of tourism businesses in all its forms (hotels and tourist accommodation, catering establishments, brokerage firms, consultancies) requires a professional to have a peculiar knowledge of their management. Therefore, a key factor to leverage the most skilled employment opportunities offered and demanded by the sector is the specialized training of management professionals in the tourism sector and quality with which they are provided. In this dual-degree program (private training – private degree), the School offers specialized training in Kitchen and Nutrition Management. This training is completed with a period of professional internships in many prestigious companies where the students will be able to apply all the theoretical knowledge they would have acquired before giving them a real working experience.
4 anni
Nel campus


Courses Select
Leadership in 21st Century Organizations
Courses Select
Meet Jim Barton, the new CEO of Santa Monica Aerospace. Jim's job won't be easy: the company's hemorrhaging cash, struggling to regain investors' trust after an accounting scandal, and striving to transform its culture to become a more global competitor.
2 giorni


Courses Select
Preparing to Network in English
Courses Select
Learn the basics of networking while you grow your social network and professional connections. Practice speaking to improve your English language skills for increased success in job hunting.
1 mese
University of Central Florida Rosen College of Hospitality Management
University of Central Florida Rosen College of Hospitality Management
This fully online, 30-credit cohort program is designed to educate students on these trends, enable them to understand the market(s), and develop strategies for events to succeed in the highly competitive event landscape. In addition to the necessary management and leadership skills to equip them for success, the program will introduce destination and international contexts that underpin event design and delivery as well as provide the legal, analytical, and reflective leadership skills to succeed.
1 anno
Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
Higher Diploma Hospitality Management
Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
Dublin, Ireland
This one-year conversion programme provides an opportunity for students who have successfully completed an ordinary degree (level 7 – NFQ) or honours degree (level 8 – NFQ) in a different discipline to attain an honours degree (level 8 – NFQ) equivalent in a further single year of studies. The individual modules run in conjunction with existing modules on our degree programmes. The offering of the Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management programme further develops the learners’ key skills, their strategic ability and introduces learners to the hospitality management discipline. The three-month industry placement forms an integral part of this programme.
1 anno
Nel campus
IMI International Management Institute Switzerland
BA (Hons) in International Culinary Arts
IMI International Management Institute Switzerland
Lucerne, Switzerland
Gain both the practical culinary skills alongside essential business management training
2 anni
Nel campus
Courses Select
Marketing Your Event
Courses Select
Events are a big business. Over $512 billion is spent annually on events, from trade shows and fundraisers to online webinars, and it can be challenging to attract delegates and attendees in this crowded space. To make your next event a success, you need to plan and promote it far ahead of time. This course offers tips to successfully market your event. Chartered marketer Luan Wise reviews the different types of events, the stages of event marketing, and the resources you need to prepare and make your event more successful. She also reviews different methods of promotion, from traditional advertising and public relations to email, direct mail, and social media.
30 minuti
Les Roches Jin Jiang International Hotel Management College (LRJJ)
Diploma in International Hotel Management
Les Roches Jin Jiang International Hotel Management College (LRJJ)
Shanghai, China
The ideal starting point for a career in hospitality This immersive programs combines hands-on practical training with business management theory, plus the opportunity to gain invaluable professional experience through two industry internships.
2 anno 6 mesi
Nel campus
Waterford Institute of Technology
BA (Hons) Hospitality Management
Waterford Institute of Technology
Waterford, Ireland
The term Hospitality Management is most commonly associated with Hotels but also includes careers in entertainment venues, restaurants, bars and casual-dining, event management and contract catering. This four year course is designed to equip graduates with a broad range of business skills combined with a thorough knowledge of the hospitality environment.
4 anni
Nel campus
Les Roches Marbella International School of Hotel Management
Master’s in Marketing and Management for Luxury Tourism
Les Roches Marbella International School of Hotel Management
Marbella, Spain
Prepare for success in an exciting, fast-growing and highly competitive business With its focused and practical learning approach, this master’s will give you the skills to lead marketing projects and develop effective marketing strategies – skills which are highly sought-after throughout the industry.
9 mesi
Online / Campus
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