Female Bartender

À propos du poste

We are looking for experienced female Bartender for work in hotel in Sweden for Summer season 2024.
Guaranteed minimum of 173 working hours per month.
Accommodation and transportation for free.

À propos de vous

Minimum of 3-4 years of experience with references
Fluency in English
Team player with flexibility in working hours
EU passport or work permit in Latvia, Spain, or Sweden
High energy and positive attitude


ImpressioGroup collaborates with prestigious resorts, hotels, and restaurants across Sweden, including renowned names like Ronneby Brunn, Marstrands Havshotell, and Novi Resort, among others, offering personalized job placement services in the restaurant and catering industries, ensuring job seekers find reputable employment opportunities.

Voir le profil

Female Bartender

Riga, Lettonie

Saisonnier, 3 mois

Date de début du contrat:

Date d'entrée en fonction (au plus tard):

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