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Parcourez les Cours Hotellerie Restauration

Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
Expert Diploma in French Pastry Arts
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
Yssingeaux, France
An intensely focused, two-month program for pastry professionals looking to accelerate their career The curriculum is inspired by chef Alain Ducasse’s philosophy around high quality produce and a natural and sustainable approach to pastry arts.
3 mois
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Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland
Masters of Arts in Culinary Business Management
Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland
Lucerne, Switzerland
Geared towards career changers, food and beverage entrepreneurs and culinary enthusiasts, acquire relevant managerial skills, develop your own food concepts, create recipe books, and develop a business plan.
1 an
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Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland
Swiss Grand Diploma in Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland
Lucerne, Switzerland
Master the fundamentals of gourmet cuisine
9 mois
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Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand
Bachelor of Culinary Arts and Business
Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand
The Bachelor of Culinary Arts and Business Degree prepares graduates to enter and manage world-class culinary businesses in a globally competitive environment, gives students the option to choose from a Food Entrepreneurship or Hospitality Management stream and a chance to intern anywhere in the world! This prestigious degree programme ensures graduates are highly sought after, can climb the industry ladder with confidence and achieve their dream culinary career.
3 ans
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International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?
emlyon business school
MSc in International Hospitality Management
emlyon business school
Écully, France
Be prepared to be part of the next generation of global hospitality leaders! 🎓A double Master’s degree from emlyon business school and Institut Lyfe 🏙️ Delivered in Lyon, Paris & Las Vegas 🇬🇧Taught in English 💰SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE!
1 an 6 mois
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Strathmore University - School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH)
Culinary Arts and Personal Development Programme
Strathmore University - School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH)
Nairobi, Kenya
A short course for High school leavers, offering an exciting opportunity to sharpen culinary skills
1 mois
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HTMi, Hotel and Tourism Management Institute
Diploma or Postgraduate Diploma in Swiss European Culinary Arts
HTMi, Hotel and Tourism Management Institute
Lucerne, Switzerland
This unit has theoretical and practical components and focuses on the development of food preparation and cooking skills under Swiss health and hygiene regulations. Learners have the opportunity to explore different types of European food, as well as to develop a wide range of knowledge and practical skills. Dishes must be prepared and cooked to a standard and quality suitable for paying customers, although learners will get extensive support during the initial stages of delivery. To achieve the learning outcomes learners are given the opportunities to visit regional food suppliers. Guest lecturers are invited to give the learners a better understanding from what is needed and expected in the industry and also on the international market. Learners will run an à la carte kitchen and take part in events to apply their skills from purchasing till selling food items. Learners also will take part in Culinary Hospitality Enterprise Project, where they are given the opportunity to plan and design a hotel with all facilities needed to operate it as for real customers. Menus will be created according to the customers, theme and location of the hotel.
1 an
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Pre-Commis Chef (Español)
El programa en línea y gratuito de capacitación “Pre-Commis Chef” es para usted, si desea convertirse en un cocinero profesional o iniciar la capacitación para convertirse en chef.
18 heures
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CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Curso de Enoturismo
CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
El enoturismo es un fenómeno creciente en el mundo entero. Los destinos enoturísticos más emergentes están viviendo un intenso proceso de mejora e innovación en el diseño de sus productos enoturísticos, segmentando públicos objetivos y afinando los canales de comercialización. Mientras los destinos más maduros están afrontando el reto de la sostenibilidad y la saturación, como el sector turístico en general. En este cruce de caminos se alternan los grandes casos de éxito y los grandes fracasos. La gran demanda de empleo y la gran oportunidad de negocio pasan por comprender la complejidad y la singularidad del sector enoturístico, necesariamente a través de la profesionalización.
1 mois
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Courses Select
Máster ThePowerDigitalMarketing
Courses Select
La certificación de referencia en Marketing Digital. Obtén una visión 360º de todo el Marketing Digital y domina todos los canales, métricas, herramientas y metodologías.
2 ans
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Courses Select
ThePowerMBA ES
Courses Select
Máster completo de negocio (estrategia, marketing, Lean startup…) en el que aprendes con los emprendedores, empresarios y directivos de las empresas que están cambiando el mundo (Amazon, Tesla…)
1 an 3 mois
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Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Curso de especialización online en Project Management: Gestión de Proyectos Turísticos
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Este curso orienta el Project Management a la gestión turística y dota a los profesionales de herramientas para analizar, dirigir, desarrollar y dar seguimiento a proyectos turísticos que se adapten a las necesidades de este tipo de organizaciones bajo criterios de responsabilidad social.
2 mois
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Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Curso de especialización online en E-Tourism y Marketing Digital
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Las estrategias de marketing y de turismo electrónico están experimentando una transformación profunda esencialmente por los cambios de los valores y experiencias de los consumidores, así como por la globalización de los mercados.
2 mois
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Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Curso de especialización online en Revenue Management
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
El Curso online de Revenue Management capacita para efectuar análisis que permiten realizar previsiones sobre la demanda, y así lograr incrementar los ingresos y la rentabilidad de las empresas turísticas.
2 mois
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