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Parcourez les Cours Hotellerie Restauration

Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Specialist Technical Diploma in Patisserie and Confectionery
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Advanced patisserie and confectionery require professionals that are up to date with the latest tendencies and that are able to work with a diverse variety of products in order to reach many different combinations, textures and flavors. The objective of this program is to incorporate the most innovative preparation, handling and presentation techniques in international pastry and pastry into theoretical and practical training, but also to train the student in nutritional and sensory aspects and food safety and give them tools that enable them to pastry research and innovation. The theoretical-practical training is completed with a period of internships in national and international companies which will ease the student´s access to the professional pastry world with success guarantees.
2 ans
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Certificate in Wedding Planning
Courses Select
The Certificate in Wedding Planning is designed as a comprehensive, self-paced program that prepares early-stage as well as experienced professionals for career opportunities in Wedding Planning. This program is designed to be a stepping stone towards a Master's Certificate in Event Management. All three modules required to complete the program and earn the Certificate in Wedding Planning. On successful completion of the course work, and upon approval of the faculty, the candidate is granted a Certificate in Wedding Planning.
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Courses Select
Services Marketing: Concepts & Applications
Courses Select
Learn the core concepts of marketing services and their applications across industries and businesses from a customer as well as a managerial perspective.
1 mois
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NYU's Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality
Certificate in Restaurant Management
NYU's Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality
The Certificate in Restaurant Management is designed to build knowledge for someone just entering the restaurant industry, as well as to make current industry employees better rounded and more qualified.
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International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Máster Oficial en Gestión de Empresas Hoteleras
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Barcelona, Spain
Formación especializada que prepara profesionales polivalentes, flexibles y cualificados en operativa y management corporativo avanzado, para gestionar y dirigir cualquier ámbito de las empresas hoteleras.
10 mois
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Swiss Alpine Center Greece
Swiss Alpine Diploma in Hotel Management
Swiss Alpine Center Greece
Glyfada, Greece
The Hotel Management Diploma curriculum has been devised in collaboration with Swiss Alpine Center’s Industry Advisory Board, which provides advice and valuable insights on the necessary skills and knowledge that future professionals and leaders in this industry should possess.
2 ans
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Graduate Diploma in International Culinary Arts
Lahore, Pakistan
This course graduate Diploma in international Culinary Arts has been developed in response to the needs of those seeking managerial employment in International Food, Beverage and Culinary Industry. It provides a vocationally relevant course of education that is intellectually challenging and will prepare students for a career in operational management in the Food production and Hotel Industry, by providing the students with the following: 1. Understanding vocational skills of the hotel environment to enable them to be effective in immediate employment in first line managerial positions. 2. An understanding of industry concepts to encourage independence of thought with which the student will be able to analyze a wide range of culinary situations. 3. Understanding of the importance of personal development and to develop and practice these skills to assist them in a future career. 4. Opportunities to gain industrial experience, which will allow students to broaden their perspective of the Culinary Profession. 5. An environment of self-learning with tutor guidance in researching in higher management concepts with higher emphasis on conceptual development and creating a mind for analysis and synthesis. The course structure will build and develop the students’ intellectual capabilities and skills at various levels. Intellectual progression will be achieved by increasing the breadth and complexity of the subject disciplines as students progress through the course. A progressive range of learning outcomes will achieve the development of students’ practical skills and competencies.
2 ans
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Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
MSc International Tourism Management
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
Apeldoorn, Netherlands
The MSc in International Tourism Management, offered in partnership with the University of Brighton (UK), offers an innovative and visionary approach in the study of tourism as both economic and social phenomena.
1 an
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Swiss Hotel Management School
Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel Operations Management or International Hotel & Events Management
Swiss Hotel Management School
Montreux, Switzerland
Postgraduate Diploma: An overview
1 an
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Introduction to the Travel & Tourism Industry: Passport to the World
Courses Select
Explore how the global travel and tourism industry works; learn how to start your career in the world’s fastest growing industry.
2 mois
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Le Cordon Bleu London
Diploma in Pâtisserie Innovation and Wellness
Le Cordon Bleu London
London, United Kingdom
Le Cordon Bleu’s Diploma in Pâtisserie Innovation and Wellness has been designed to expand on culinary education at Le Cordon Bleu schools internationally within the pâtisserie discipline. The diploma will provide culinary education to students and professionals wishing to build knowledge and skills in advanced pâtisserie with emphasis on recipe development, transformation and evolving classical recipes. There will be a focus on how to design and create recipes which appeal to the current demands in the food sector, particularly in the markets for nutrition focused, health, allergen-free products.
3 mois
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Research Methods in Tourism Studies
Courses Select
Explore the science of research methods in relation to analysing the travel and tourism industries.
1 mois
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Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone
Courses Select
Do you want to speak better English? This course will help you reach that goal. Speak English Professionally: In person, Online and On the Phone will boost your English speaking skills. In this 5 week course, you will learn how to identify and make a strong personal introduction.
16 heures
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Le Cordon Bleu Paris
Plant-Based Diets: Nutrition & Wellness
Le Cordon Bleu Paris
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Understand the nutritional information of fruit and vegetables and rules regarding nutrition content claims and health claims. Generate a greater understanding of the marketing mechanism behind the plant-based movement and the ethics around it. Develop enhanced awareness of how the seasonal cycle food affects their nutrients. Develop well-balanced, nutritional plant-based dishes and menus for personal and/or professional application. Discuss popular and cultural plant-based diets and products available.
2 mois
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