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Parcourez les Cours Hotellerie Restauration

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Certificate in Revenue Management
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The ‘Revenue Ready’ program is custom-built for hotel staff who have moved into the Revenue Department, or who are just about to. The program will fast-track your learning and help you become proficient in Revenue Management is a short amount of time. In conjunction with your on-the-job hotel experience, this is the best method of getting to the next phase of your career.
1 an
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MPI Academy
Meeting & Event Strategist Certificate Program
MPI Academy
Transform Yourself from Meeting Planner to Event Strategist.
6 heures
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MPI Academy
Emergency Preparedness for Events Certificate Program
MPI Academy
Planning the Best Event Means Preparing for the Worst
6 heures
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MPI Academy
Basics Bootcamp: Meeting Fundamentals
MPI Academy
Event Planning: It All Comes Back to the Basics.
6 heures
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International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?
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Risk and Return: How to Identify, Measure, and Incorporate Into Capital Budgeting Decisions
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Your work in this course will include learning how to calculate the hurdle rate, which is the minimum value a project must return, and then how to forecast the expected return. You will get to know the different asset classes and how to think about them in terms of the associated risks. The tools from this course will help you measure risk and calculate the weighted average of the required returns as a way to ensure that your company chooses the right capital projects.
14 jours
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Marketing the Hospitality Brand Through Digital Media
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Successful marketing and revenue generation in hospitality requires the management of an array of new media including, social, mobile, and search. While these new media enable marketers to reach customers in ways that were previously not possible, successful use must be anchored by core marketing and demand management principles.
14 jours
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Financing Real Estate Investments
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Real estate investment is a popular way to accumulate wealth, but you don't have to be rich to get started. That's because there are many ways to finance real estate investments to raise the equity you need and structure debt beneficially.
14 jours
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Optimizing Asset Management Strategies
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As real estate asset manager, you are steward of an owner's property, responsible for managing it to help achieve the owner's goals and increase its value. To guide you in this challenging role, you need a comprehensive road map for decision making: the Asset Management Strategic Plan.
14 jours
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Fostering a coaching culture
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In this course, developed by Professor Diane Burton, Ph.D. of Cornell University's ILR School, you will learn the skills necessary to reassert your HR role as a trusted, neutral advisor to employees at all levels within your organization.
14 jours
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Understanding Financial Statements
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Every property’s finance function keeps detailed records of the daily transactions involved in the running the organization. Periodically, they create reports that allow management, stakeholders and regulating authorities to have insight into the financial health of the organization. As a manager, you need to understand both the metrics that are reported in income statement, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, and how they relate to each other. You also need to understand how comparing numbers across your company, the industry, and from year to year, can help you assess the overall financial performance of the firm.
14 jours
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Effective Hiring and Interviewing
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Instead of HR professionals, front-line managers are now being asked to assess their personnel needs in the workplace and make hiring —or firing—choices that fit those needs. Many managers have not been trained on how to decide among candidates to make the best choices to fit their team. These choices are not just about creating test questions or reading resumes, but also about managing the interpersonal communication that must occur between hirer and candidate.
14 jours
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Valuing Hotel Investments Through Effective Forecasting
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For a hotel investment to be successful, you must first have accurate and reliable data about the critical aspects of the hotel operation, such as occupancy, revenue, expenses, and cash flows. But how do you generate these detailed forecasts? In this course, Cornell University professor Jan deRoos leads you through this analysis using the Hotel Valuation Software he developed with HVS International.
14 jours
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Brand Purpose
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In this course, you will evaluate your brand and define actions you can take to enhance your brand's performance. You will start by exploring the elements that make some brands great, why some brands garner premium consideration, and, as appropriate, how to improve a brand. You will work to create a great brand purpose and learn how to monitor the market to support the longevity of your brand by analyzing the impact of trends on your brand. You will also assess and strengthen your brand's mission, vision, and values. By the end of this course, you will have a strong vision, mission, a list of values for your brand and strategies to propel your brand forward.
14 jours
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Brand Positioning
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In this course, you will assess the market to identify opportunities for a brand, determine a strategy to best position the brand, and draft a strategy to achieve the brand's goals. You will then apply this information to a brand of your choice. You will start analyzing the competitive space by identifying the brand attributes most important to your end users. You will use this customer focused analysis to create a positioning map that includes competitive brands. You will then create an opportunity space strategy and a brand positioning strategy to penetrate the market. By the end of this course, you will optimize a brand's position in its brandscape by completing a brand positioning mapping.
14 jours
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