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Parcourez les Cours Hotellerie Restauration

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management
Video Marketing for Hospitality Business
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management
Address your customers where they spend their time. 80% of network traffic consists of videos. Consumers remember video-containing material better than text or still pictures. A modern company is not relevant if the customer encounter is not of high quality also online. Using videos you may encounter your customers online effectively and impressively. Video marketing is not expensive nor too difficult
2 jours
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Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management
Social Selling
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management
The sales landscape has changed dramatically during the last 10 years. Modern buyers are now empowered and more independent in their buying process. Modern sales professionals have to learn how to engage and influence buyers in modern sales channels such as social media. In this course, we will go through all the essential elements for understanding and implementing social selling in practice. You will learn how to use social channels such as LinkedIn and Twitter in the sales context. This course covers all the essential skills and techniques in order to use social media in your sales efforts as well as teach you why and how to use essential social channels professionally. During this course, you will learn how to prospect and approach new customers as well as how to leverage content and social channels effectively for maintaining and developing existing customer relationships. This course provides you with all the necessary skills needed to integrate social selling practices into your sales process. The course consists of 19 videos of short online lectures and practical hands-on screenshare videos.
2 jours
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Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management
Hospitality Brand Design
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management
Great branding matters whether you are a start-up or a legacy business. Creating successful brands follows a process that is part art and part science. Learn the value of branding and how it is researched, shaped and executed at successful hospitality brands around the world. The process of branding is a collaborative, multi-faceted process led by a team of right-brain (creatives) and left-brain (pragmatists) thinkers. This course is highly valuable to a number of audiences: advanced university students of marketing and brand management, middle and senior managers in the hospitality and service sector aiming to create or strengthen the company brand, and for parties dealing with increasing long-term company value through strategic brand design. You will learn how to move through the research and strategy phases through the creative process to arrive at a brand that is distinctive and desirable. This course helps you understand the process and deliverables, then offers templates and exercises for you to build your own hospitality brand. The participants are expected to watch all the video content under each module, acquaint themselves with additional materials provided, and then take the quizzes. The quiz can be taken 3 times and we recommend that participants watch the videos and practise until they feel they master the topic.
6 jours
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EHL Hospitality Business School
High Performance Distribution Strategy for Hotels
EHL Hospitality Business School
Distribution has become the main battleground for hoteliers to maximize exposure and revenues. You will learn to create and sustain competitive advantage by carefully designing, developing, maintaining and managing the distribution channel mix. ✅ HOSCO MEMBERS GET AN EXCLUSIVE 10% DISCOUNT. Use discount code EHL-HOSCO-22 at checkout ✅
1 mois
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International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?
EHL Hospitality Business School
Hotel Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategies
EHL Hospitality Business School
Digital marketing has emerged as the pillar of many businesses’ promotion and branding strategy. In this online course, you will gain general knowledge about the principles of digital marketing and acquire the skills, analytical techniques and approaches to apply digital strategies effectively for customer acquisition, engagement and retention. ✅ HOSCO MEMBERS GET AN EXCLUSIVE 10% DISCOUNT. Use discount code EHL-HOSCO-22 at checkout ✅
1 mois
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Les Roches Marbella International School of Hotel Management
Master’s in Marketing and Management for Luxury Tourism
Les Roches Marbella International School of Hotel Management
Marbella, Spain
Prepare for success in an exciting, fast-growing and highly competitive business With its focused and practical learning approach, this master’s will give you the skills to lead marketing projects and develop effective marketing strategies – skills which are highly sought-after throughout the industry.
9 mois
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Royal Academy of Culinary Arts
Bachelor Degree in Food & Beverage Management
Royal Academy of Culinary Arts
Amman, Jordan
By graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Food and Beverage (F&B) Management studies, graduates will be able to: Recognize and interpret the different trends, challenges, and scenarios in the hospitality and tourism industries. Explain the foundation and conceptual framework of hospitality businesses, from operational to managerial perspectives. Explain the role and impacts of businesses in the development of environmental, social, and financial sustainability. Develop critical thinking skills through a foundation of broad and varied academic fields of study. Demonstrate the ability to make decisions, solve problems and think critically in hospitality business-related scenarios. Negotiate and discuss hospitality business-related issues with confidence and ease. Demonstrate effective management and operational techniques in hospitality operations (hotel, F&B, events, etc.). Apply effective verbal and nonverbal communication to ensure delivering the right impression and impact when dealing with clients and colleagues.
3 an 3 mois
Sur campus
Asian Institute of Hospitality Management
Digital Content Marketing
Asian Institute of Hospitality Management
Bangkok, Thailand
Do you find it difficult to determine the best approach for reaching consumers in the face of today’s digital transformations with the proliferation of channels and platforms available? And even once you've identified a strategy, have you struggled to execute it across all channels? Businesses in hospitality and beyond are facing an unprecedented digital disruption that makes staying on top of the latest digital marketing innovations more important than ever. How can you reach and customers in this new landscape. Inbound marketing is the key. It’s a strategy that focuses on attracting and engaging customers through valuable and relevant content. Rather than using traditional outbound marketing tactics like advertising or cold calling, businesses use inbound marketing to provide value to potential customers at every stage of the buying journey—from awareness to consideration to decision. By creating and sharing valuable content, businesses can attract qualified leads and convert them into customers. In this course, we’ll study best practices of digital marketing tactics such as content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO). We’ll look at proven ways to increase new bookings and repeat business. By providing valuable and relevant content, hospitality businesses can establish themselves as experts in their field and build trust with potential customers, leading to increased bookings and repeat business. After this course, you will better understand how to create and implement an effective inbound marketing strategy that will increase both lead generation and conversion rates.
2 jours
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Courses Select
Máster ThePowerDigitalMarketing
Courses Select
La certificación de referencia en Marketing Digital. Obtén una visión 360º de todo el Marketing Digital y domina todos los canales, métricas, herramientas y metodologías.
2 ans
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Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Curso de especialización online en E-Tourism y Marketing Digital
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Las estrategias de marketing y de turismo electrónico están experimentando una transformación profunda esencialmente por los cambios de los valores y experiencias de los consumidores, así como por la globalización de los mercados.
2 mois
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Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Curso de especialización online en Customer Experience
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Las empresas turísticas enfocadas al servicio al cliente tienen una gran ventaja competitiva para conseguir una alta satisfacción en el usuario final. Este curso aporta los conocimientos y las herramientas para lograrlo.
2 mois
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Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Posgrado en Gestión de Proyectos Turísticos, Marketing e Inteligencia Emocional
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
El Posgrado en Gestión de Proyectos Turísticos, Marketing e Inteligencia Emocional aporta las herramientas necesarias para el conocimiento estratégico de una empresa, combinando el análisis y el desarrollo de técnicas, e integrando nuevas herramientas dentro del Coaching y la Inteligencia Emocional del sector turístico, y enfocadas a la última evolución del marketing, con orientación al cliente y generando experiencias de valor.
6 mois
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Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Máster en Dirección Digital de Negocios Turísticos Internacionales
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Formación que capacita a los profesionales como directivos/as digitales para innovar y renovar los procesos digitales de funcionamiento interno y la cultura empresarial de las empresas turísticas, adaptarlas a las nuevas tendencias de la “transformación digital” y la internacionalización, y mantenerse activas en los distintos ecosistemas del sector turístico y hotelero.
8 mois
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Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Grado en Marketing
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Barcelona, Spain
En un mercado laboral tan competido como el actual, los nuevos graduados necesitan conocimientos especializados en un área muy concreta para destacar. Nuestro grado, a diferencia del resto, se especializa completamente en marketing para cubrir la demanda de uno de los sectores con más oportunidades y crecimiento de Barcelona, con profesionales realmente preparados.
9 mois
Sur campus

4 pages

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