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Parcourez les Cours Hotellerie Restauration

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Implementing Brand Strategy Through Digital Media
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Hospitality marketing is fast shifting from traditional media to digital forms (e.g., social media, video, website and search, plus mobile applications). New-media technologies have changed the ways consumers experience and value a product or service. So how can you draw on these technologies to enhance your operations and provide distinct customer value? And how can you be sure your efforts in new media are producing tangible returns?
14 jours
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Brand Activation
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In this course, you will see that brand activation is much more than clever communications or perfectly placed messages. You will begin developing your skills in brand activation by identifying and analyzing a brand target market and determining consumer insights that will prepare you to create an activation plan. You will then define the brand values, personality, and purpose, and craft a brand positioning statement for your selected brand. These elements help ensure the activation plan aligns with the brand. You will also write key elements of a communication brief to ensure that all messaging and communication pieces align with the brand and with each other. Finally, you will outline a marketing communications approach specific to your brand and your target market that will lend itself to successful brand activation.
14 jours
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SEG Professional
Customer Experience Design
SEG Professional
Experience Design has become as much a business art as product design and process design. Experience Design is an interdisciplinary practice that emphasizes the centrality of each guest and the guest experience in service innovation. Today’s global customer who has experienced service in culturally diverse environments is demanding personalized and memorable experiences. An innovative experience design strategy can differentiate one service provider from another and ensure differentiation and greater profit in the experience economy.
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The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Hotel and Tourism Management
International Hospitality Management MicroMasters® Program
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Explore international hospitality and tourism management
8 mois
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International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?
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Segmentation and Price Optimization
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Segmenting your customer base is critical to developing a variable pricing scheme. By identifying core groups of customers and their purchasing habits, you can target them accordingly by setting prices that will help you win their business over your competition. Without proper segmentation, however, dynamic pricing can backfire, which can alienate consumers and turn them into perpetual deal-seekers.
14 jours
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Displacement and Negotiated Pricing
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Group events, conferences and negotiated business bookings frequently account for over 50% of hotel room reservations. This course will prepare you to develop your own data-driven, systematic approach to group pricing.
14 jours
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Price Sensitivity and Pricing Decisions
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Pricing strategy is the central component in your overall profit performance. This online course prepares you to anticipate the impact certain pricing decisions will have on consumer demand and thrive in a highly competitive environment.
14 jours
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Success Metrics for Hospitality Digital Marketing
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Digital marketing is fast becoming the primary means for hospitality and related service firms to reach, engage, and transact with consumers across their multiple devices. Consumer planning, shopping, experience, and sharing through digital media is quickly changing how marketing is done, as well as how marketing effectiveness is measured. Owners and managers must be able to make effective, data-driven, analytical, and integrated decisions related to digital marketing using the right metrics and reports. These decision support tools may be generated internally and/or by vendors, like digital or social media marketing agencies. Managers must be able to understand, evaluate, and communicate recommendations in line with the firm's overall business and marketing strategies. This course provides managers with the insight and tools to do the job. This course provides managers with the insight and tools to do the job.
14 jours
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Pricing Strategy and Distribution Channels in Hotel Revenue Management
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A smart pricing strategy is the best way to increase revenue. This course teaches you how to set prices, develop rate fences (differentiate prices by customer type), and use multiple distribution channels to manage price more effectively. You'll also learn about the impact of variable pricing and discounting on revenue management in the context of price elasticity, optimal price mix, perceived fairness, and congruence with positioning and sales strategies.
14 jours
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Price and Inventory Controls
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Technology- and Internet-savvy consumer behaviors have fundamentally changed the way in which revenue is managed. This online course encourages those schooled or experienced in traditional revenue management to elevate and fine-tune their approach to price manipulation, length of stay, and demand and availability control. This curriculum will prepare students to succeed in this new, highly competitive hospitality landscape.
14 jours
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Search Engines and Online Selling: Stimulating Incremental Demand
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Today's consumers rely less upon traditional travel agents and more on web-based research when booking travel. In this online course you'll learn to develop online strategies designed to improve your standing in Internet search results, called Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and increase your visibility to target customers.
14 jours
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Commanderie des Cordons Bleus
Entrepreneurship in Food Business
Commanderie des Cordons Bleus
This course aims to develop those who wish to be more effective in their role as a social, economic and technological change agent. It is designed for those who wish to understand, support, finance or facilitate the creation and growth of new food ventures that are based upon innovative ideas which significantly change the status quo. Analyse and understand how entrepreneurs influence and alter the market dynamics of the world we live in.
2 mois
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Brand Management
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Brand management has become one of the most important aspects of business strategy. Brands are often a central organizing principle of successful organizations — guiding decisions and actions. Whether you’re a brand marketer, business leader, or entrepreneur, this certificate program provides an essential framework to build and manage a great brand.
14 jours
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Certificate in Senior Living Management
Courses Select
The number of adults 65 and over is growing fast; it’s an exciting time for those interested in careers serving seniors. How can you be sure you’re meeting the needs of seniors and providing a superior experience?
3 mois
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4 pages

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