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Find Hospitality Courses & Degrees

Bocconi University - Master in Tourism Economics and Management
MET Master in Tourism Economics and Management
Bocconi University - Master in Tourism Economics and Management
Milan, Italy
MET Master in Tourism Economics and Management is a one academic year postgraduate master program developed by Bocconi University to train young professionals aspiring to take a managerial role or to start their own business in the tourist industry.
1 year
On Campus
Le Cordon Bleu Korea
Diplôme de Boulangerie - Seoul
Le Cordon Bleu Korea
Seoul, South Korea
Learn typical French bread making techniques and processes for making bread. Make specialty danish, regional and artisan breads and learn how to apply advanced yeast production methods.
6 months
On Campus
Le Cordon Bleu Korea
Diplôme de Pâtisserie - Seoul
Le Cordon Bleu Korea
Seoul, South Korea
Discover the art of Pâtisserie. Courses range from specialized ateliers, basic through advanced levels of pastry and confectionary craft making, plated and boutique style desserts, world delicacies and precise decorating techniques.
9 months
On Campus
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
CAP Chocolatier-Confiseur
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
Yssingeaux, France
Achieve a nationally recognized professional qualification in a significantly shorter timeframe than traditional CAP training This intensive, hands-on training program, taught in French, mixes practical skills in French chocolate and confectionary arts with essential business and management knowledge.
8 months
On Campus
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?
EUHT StPOL Barcelona - Escuela Universitaria de Hotelería y Turismo de Sant Pol de Mar
Máster en Artes Culinarias, Innovación y Dirección de Cocina
EUHT StPOL Barcelona - Escuela Universitaria de Hotelería y Turismo de Sant Pol de Mar
Barcelona, Spain
Si llevas años dedicándote a la cocina y gastronomía y sientes que ha llegado el momento de subir el nivel de tu formación, o quieres seguir estudiando para especializarte en artes culinarias, este Máster es tu mejor apuesta.
1 year
On Campus
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
CAP Patissier
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
Yssingeaux, France
Achieve a nationally recognized professional qualification in a significantly shorter timeframe than traditional CAP training This intensive, hands-on training program, taught in French, mixes practical skills in French pastry arts with essential business and management knowledge.
8 months
On Campus
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
Essentiel De La Boulangerie
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
Yssingeaux, France
Gain the knowledge of baking and viennoiserie that will provide a perfect foundation for your future career You will learn from – and work with – some of the best chefs operating in the field of French bakery.
2 months
On Campus
Ecole Ducasse - Paris Campus
Arts of Service & Sommelier Essentials
Ecole Ducasse - Paris Campus
Meudon, France
Discover contemporary approaches to service design and delivery Take a journey through service excellence, learning how to design memorable guest experiences across different types of restaurants and venues.
2 months
On Campus
Hospite - The Italian Hospitality Academy
Leadership for hospitality Training Course
Hospite - The Italian Hospitality Academy
Veneto, Italy
Raising awareness on leadership and its characteristics is essential for any hospitality professional who wants to make a difference and develop the potential and talents of people they work with. The course aims to train participants in the skills and abilities required to perform their role with awareness, focus and professionalism.
3 days
On Campus
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
CAP Glacier
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
Yssingeaux, France
Achieve a nationally recognized professional qualification in a significantly shorter timeframe than traditional CAP training With its focus on teaching technical skills, the CAP Glacier gives you the opportunity to achieve a professional level of expertise and work with ice cream to create a wide range of products.
8 months
On Campus
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
French Pastry Arts Essentials
Ecole Ducasse - École Nationale Supérieure de Pâtisserie
Yssingeaux, France
A course designed for those who are passionate about French pastry arts and trendy desserts Guided by experts, you will be taken on a sweet journey to discover the unique textures, flavors, techniques and secrets of French pastry.
2 months
On Campus


Courses Select
Apprendre l’anglais avec ABA English
Courses Select
Avec ABA English, vous apprenez l’anglais selon la méthode naturelle, comme vous avez appris votre langue maternelle. Pour cela, nous vous présentons notre méthode unique basée sur des vidéos et des cours en direct. Vous pouvez commencer à partir de zéro et atteindre le niveau le plus élevé (Business). Maîtriser l’anglais est une compétence indispensable si vous travaillez en contact avec le public, car elle vous permet de communiquer avec des gens du monde entier.


Courses Select
Impara l'inglese con ABA English
Courses Select
Impara l'inglese con i video Con ABA English impari l'inglese con il metodo naturale, ovvero come hai imparato la tua lingua nativa. Per questo, ti proponiamo un metodo esclusivo basato su video e lezioni in diretta. Puoi iniziare da zero e raggiungere il livello più alto (Business). Avere padronanza dell'inglese è senza dubbio una competenza imprescindibile nel lavoro a contatto con il pubblico, poiché ti permette di comunicare con persone di tutto il mondo.


Courses Select
Aprende inglés con ABA English
Courses Select
Aprende inglés con videos. Con ABA English aprendes inglés con el método natural, es decir, como aprendiste tu propio idioma. Para ello te presentamos un método único basado en videos y clases en directo. Puedes empezar de cero y alcanzar el nivel más alto (Business). Dominar el inglés es, sin duda, una habilidad imprescindible cuando trabajas de cara al público ya que te va a permitir comunicarte con personas de todo el mundo.
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