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Find Hospitality Courses & Degrees

César Ritz Colleges Switzerland
Master of Arts in Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneurship
César Ritz Colleges Switzerland
- 6 months on campus & a 6 month paid internship worldwide or in Switzerland - Two intakes a year: April and October - The degree is awarded in partnership with Derby University (UK) - The Master of Arts in Entrepreneurship is a comprehensive programme developed in partnership with the University of Derby, UK. The programme provides future hospitality managers with in-depth knowledge to explore innovative business opportunities and maintain a sustainable and profitable business. PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE
1 year
On Campus
EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality
Professional Pathway to the Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management
EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality
Passugg, Switzerland
Become a Hospitality expert! As a combination of two Swiss degrees in hospitality, this pathway offers a deeper immersion and broader overview of the industry with more internship experience.
4 year 6 months
On Campus
UOW Malaysia KDU University College
Diploma in International Hotel Management
UOW Malaysia KDU University College
Shah Alam, Malaysia
Be instrumental in providing excellent hospitality service
2 years
On Campus
Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand
Bachelor of Culinary Arts and Business
Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand
The Bachelor of Culinary Arts and Business Degree prepares graduates to enter and manage world-class culinary businesses in a globally competitive environment, gives students the option to choose from a Food Entrepreneurship or Hospitality Management stream and a chance to intern anywhere in the world! This prestigious degree programme ensures graduates are highly sought after, can climb the industry ladder with confidence and achieve their dream culinary career.
3 years
On Campus
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?
emlyon business school
MSc in International Hospitality Management
emlyon business school
Écully, France
Be prepared to be part of the next generation of global hospitality leaders! 🎓A double Master’s degree from emlyon business school and Institut Lyfe 🏙️ Delivered in Lyon, Paris & Las Vegas 🇬🇧Taught in English 💰SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE!
1 year 6 months
On Campus
Politécnico da Guarda | ESTH
Hotel Management
Politécnico da Guarda | ESTH
Seia, Portugal
A graduate in Hotel Management has the ability to manage physical, human and financial resources, with a sense of responsibility, a spirit of service and a taste for leadership, as well as the ability to work individually and in groups. They also have a keen sensitivity for the hotel and restaurant business, creative capacity, innovation and acumen for entrepreneurship and new ideas and businesses.
3 years
On Campus
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Master’s in Hospitality Business Management (MADEH)
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
ESHS maintains a close cooperative relationship with University Pablo Olavide, one of the pioneers among the Spanish universities in the fields of investigation and technological development, with the common goal of bettering the professional qualification of the university students and professionals of the hospitality sector. That is why from ESHS and UPO we carry out the execution of postgraduate programs (Master and University extension) in management and direction of hospitality companies as well as programs of specialized training in collective management. These studies promote the investigation and innovation of the tourism and hospitality sector, especially in those areas of interest for the sector such as expansion and strategic development, nutrition, cuisine, or new gastronomic trends. This program will allow the students to develop skills already acquired in other fields, complement them with new abilities and lead them to their practical application in the touristic fields everywhere in the world. It will also promote their business designing skills which will allow them to innovate, investigate, solve problems, and develop new products and services. These internships with partner companies will allow the students to strengthen their skills easing their introduction to the working world.
1 year
On Campus
Up Level School of Management
Master In Hospitality Management - Up Level
Up Level School of Management
Rome, Italy
Il Master in Hospitality Management di Up level è un corso di alta formazione nel settore dell’hotel management con stage garantito in importanti hotel. Potrai diventare manager in grandi catene alberghiere, resorts, aree congressuali e di organizzazione di eventi oppure accedere a ruoli dirigenziali nei seguenti reparti delle realtà alberghiere: Operations Sales and Marketing Human Resources Financial
4 months
Online / On Campus
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Máster Oficial en Gestión Turística del Patrimonio Cultural
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Barcelona, Spain
Forma a profesionales que desarrollen materias humanísticas en el ámbito del sector turístico, aportando valor añadido e innovación en la gestión del conocimiento en la relación turismo - patrimonio cultural.
7 months
On Campus
AIM - Hotel and Tourism Management Academy
Bachelor of Science en Management Hôtellerie et Tourisme
AIM - Hotel and Tourism Management Academy
Paris, France
Le Bachelor of Science en Management Hôtellerie et Tourisme de l'AIM, dont les cours sont principalement dispensés en anglais, ouvre les portes du marché mondial de l'emploi en hôtellerie internationale. Les programmes se partagent en deux semestres, l'un axé sur un enseignement essentiellement théorique, également illustré par des jeux de rôles, mises en situation et ateliers, l'autre proposant à l'étudiant de mettre en application lors d'un stage (opérationnel en première année, managérial les années suivantes) les connaissances acquises précédemment.
3 years
On Campus
Master of Science in Hospitality Management
Paris, France
Le MSc in Hospitality Management forme des managers d’hôtel exigeants et engagés, experts sur le plan professionnel et managérial afin d’être créatif et développeur d’affaires.
2 years
On Campus
ETB Escuela de Turismo de Baleares
Executive MBA - Dirección Hotelera y Turística
ETB Escuela de Turismo de Baleares
El MBA en Dirección Hotelera y Turística es un programa de postgrado organizado por la Centro de Educación Superior Felipe Moreno e impartido de forma telepresencial/online. El principal objetivo del programa es el desarrollo de las competencias, habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para impulsar tu carrera profesional dentro de compañías hoteleras internacionales. El programa está adaptado al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y tiene una carga de trabajo equivalente a 60 créditos ECTS con una duración de un curso académico dividido en cinco módulos.
9 months
CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Técnico Superior en Dirección de Servicios de Restauración
CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Barcelona, Spain
El CETT ofrece al alumnado la posibilidad de adquirir un amplio y profundo conocimiento del sector de la Restauración y, específicamente, de la dirección del servicio de alimentos y bebidas, ya que este sector, en constante evolución, valora a los profesionales que están preparados para responder a sus necesidades actuales y futuras. También se propone conocer a fondo las estrategias para dirigir, diseñar, organizar y establecer los procesos de comercialización, gestión y servicio de alimentos y bebidas, teniendo en cuenta los objetivos económicos, los protocolos de calidad, la normativa de higiene, la prevención de riesgos laborales y la protección ambiental del **área de servicios de restauraciónv y gastronómicos de cualquier clase de establecimiento de restauración.
2 months
On Campus
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Grado en Logística Empresarial (Modalidad Dual)
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Barcelona, Spain
La formación Dual es un modelo de aprendizaje que integra el ámbito académico y el profesional, que se complementan durante la duración del Grado en Logística Empresarial, para ofrecer un programa formativo de grado innovador con el fin de lograr un alto nivel de profesionalización de los aprendices en el sector.
9 months
On Campus
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